On Mon, 26 Feb 2007 18:49:53 -0500, Greg wrote in message 

> On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 14:56 -0800, Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > On Mon, Feb 26, 2007 at 05:38:49PM -0500, Greg Folkert wrote:
> > > On Mon, 2007-02-26 at 16:22 -0600, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > > > Bio-fuels *are* a great idea.
> > > > 
> > > > Until you realize *how much* gasoline & diesel this country uses
> > > > (then add 3x more to that for the rest of the world), and the
> > > > fact that stuff like corn ethanol needs lots of (*petrolem*
> > > > based) fertilizer.
> > > > 
> > > > (However, sugar cane ethanol in Brazil is a *great* idea,
> > > > because of cane's higher sugar density, Brazil's proximity to
> > > > the equator and lower population).
> > > 
> > > Based on things I have researched and processing systems I have
> > > seen and actually went through the motions of getting the
> > > nitty-gritty on.
> > > 
> > > Algae based Bio-Diesel. 110,000 square miles of "useless desert"
> > > flooded with salt water and seeded with a certain algae... would
> > > supply enough Biofuel for all vehicles (provided all current
> > > vehicles were converted to diesel) in the US with about a 25%
> > > energy return on energy used to process it and transport to
> > > filling centers.
> > 
> > there is an algae that supposedly has something like 80% "oil"
> > content as that is what makes it float. is this the same stuff? 
> There is more than one kind, but yes. They are ~80% "Bio-oil". More
> oil than any other plant. And they grow like an aggressive virus in a
> susceptible sick host.

..ouch, a CO2 sink that can help fix the green house heatup problem, 
"we can't have that."

> Basically there is about a 5-7 month ramp up. By the time you harvest
> all of the area, you should probably should have started 6 months ago.
> We are talking an HUGE up-front cost... and lots of lobbying from Big
> Oil and conservationists and so on. If big oil were to realize the
> payback and how quickly it would work. The conservationist should have
> bigger fish to fry, but they won't.

..very true, BTDT, only in thermochemical gasification.

..now, it looks like the quickest and probably best way is let the
Muslims deliver spank Hezbollah style.   
I will have to see W and crew dangle from nooses like Saddam and Israel
leave the Middle East on EU funding for Alaska, Utah or Sirbiria, and
in full compliance to the full 4 Geneva Conventions,_ before_ _I_ will
believe in "quartet peace talks" there.  

..only _after_ I see this, will I be able to thruthfully tell Muslims
"they do not need nukes."  Meanwhile, they need to defend themselves.
This is because white man has proven himself a _very_ capable genocider.

..the root cause is not that the "UN gave Israel to the Jews".  
The root cause is the UN stole it from the (mostly Muslim) Filistinians,
and covered up this fact by calling it "Palestine" to deny the people
there their lawful right to their own home, "where are the Palestinians
in the holy Bible?".  

..all this because Muslim style no-interest-rate share-the-profits
kinda capitalism is superior to Western interest rate capitalism in
democracies, once you have competent investors and demand for
industrially competent media rather than the current crop of
Britney-hair-doo chasers.

..point in case, Greg, you wanna ask your investor "I have an idea, you
have the money to make it work.  Can we create a profitable business?"
To answer that, he will have to find out what the hell your idea really
is and what it can do, and figure out what kinda deal he can offer you. 
And if you don't like it, you will take your business, elsewhere.

..this also shows the one important exception to the rule Muslim
Capitalism is better for Mankind, the average investor will suffer 
when he can no longer just rely on Microsoft Excel, he will have 
to work a lot harder to earn a lot less, as all the micro etc upwards 
finance markets mature.  
All you need is peace, justice, freedom of speech and 
a coupla decades to mature this kinda capitalism.

..the Current UN Fix:  Steal and rename a country, then 
trick an old foe into gas and scare the Jews "home."
Always, always, always follow the money.

..and comes from a citizen of a country which profits 
like _crazy_ from these war crimes.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt...
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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