On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 12:10:52AM +0100, impek wrote:
> i finally success to install debian with the "test/etch" version.
> But  the networks card cause problem :
> e1000_clean_tx_irq: Detected Tx Unit Hang
> The network card keep disconnecting.
> I see a lot of people have that problem :
> http://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&q=e1000_clean_tx_irq%3A+Detected+Tx+Unit+Hang&meta=
> I think we can say the PDSMI+ is not working with Linux today.

Well, a couple of points:

- I'm running Etch on several PDSMi-based systems and not getting
  this problem

- The search you did throws up results from many people using many
  different mainboards.  If you remove the "e1000" part you even see
  the same things with many different network adapters.

- Some of the problems you pointed to turned out to be hardware

so I think it is rather premature to ascribe this problem to a
widespread problem with this mainboard.

Many of the threads found with your search recommend fixes or
workaround, e.g.:


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