Zoho Vignochi wrote:
> Also if I maximize a window, the edge of that window disappears a little
> as well. The amount is very small and so does not affect the working of
> the scrollbar but is still noticeable. Is this normal?

    I believe so, yes.  A normal mouse pointer points up and left.  The
hotspot, the portion of the icon which is where your clicks land, is all that
the GUI worries about.  It is on the upper left side.  Since the borders stop
the mouse at the hot spot if you move your mouse to the upper or left sides of
the screen the hotspot gets there first so the rest of the graphic is still on
the screen.  On the bottom and right sides the hotspot is the last to hit the
edge so the graphic scrolls off.

    I think the same goes for when you maximise windows but for slightly
different reasons.  What is off the edge of the screen is the graphical edge
of the window.  It's just a few pixels.  However since you're maximizing the
workspace inside that border and the border is pretty much meaningless when it
doesn't have to show you were the window ends (maximized, only one window to
show in the first place) it is pushed off the edge of the screen to give you
the maximum amount of space for the workspace of the window.

    Make sense?

         Steve C. Lamb         | But who decides what they dream?
       PGP Key: 8B6E99C5       |   And dream I do...

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