On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 05:14:09PM -0500, Kamaraju S Kusumanchi wrote:
> Recently I came across http://www.knujon.com/ which claims that it is
> successful in shutting down spam websites. Has anyone already tried it?
> Does it work as effectively as they claim it to be? Is it safe to register
> with them?
> Since mailing lists such as debian-www etc., are contaminated by spam
> emails, if knujon does indeed work, then may be we can ask the mailing list
> moderators to send spammy emails from debian lists to them...
> Any other suggestions/opinions/comments are also be welcome.
> thanks
> raju

I've never heard of it but it would probably be a good idea to tell
someone about it, as it sounds like a very good idea. I'm too lazy to
setup spamassasin to deal with the spam mails so I always have to
delete them, but personally I don't mind :P

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