On Mon, Mar 05, 2007 at 05:23:59PM -0800, Steve Lamb wrote:
> Andrew Sackville-West wrote:
> > FTR, works here in bog standard bash running in aterm.
>     *sigh*  My point is that if the OP is unable to do what they want telling
> him *you* can do it without specifying what options might be needed to bring
> them in line with your configuration.  Barring that asking questions on what
> might be different between your configuration and his would at least provide
> some forward movement.  "Works here!" is pretty much the AOL answer.

alright, you're right, except that pointing out that it works in
bog-standard bash may clue him into the fact that some change *he*
made is the problem since I changed nothing in mine and it
works... but I get your point. :-P


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