
> hi, my problem is the next:
> when i run apt-get update, debian says me:
> E: Error de lectura - read (5 Error de entrada/salida)
> E: No se pudieron analizar o abrir las listas de paquetes o el
> archivo de estado.
> my sourcelist is this:
> deb http://apt.linex.org/linex2006 sarge linex2006 # gnuLinEx 2006
> deb http://security.debian.org/ sarge/updates main contrib #
> Seguridad de Debian
> deb http://ftp.de.debian.org/debian sarge main contrib non-free #
> Copia de Debian en Alemania
> and i don't be able to fix it, i tried with:
> apt-get clean, un apt-get autoclean, un apt-get -f install, un dpkg
> --configure -a,
> and nothing, the error continues.
> i detected that the file into /var/lib/dpkg/, which is named 'available' is
> corrupt because i can't open it to read, and the same happens with the
> 'status' files, also into the same directory.

I had a similar problem in the past and solved it by adding the following line 
in /etc/apt/apt.conf (create the file if you don't have one) :

APT::Cache-Limit "100000000";

then re-run apt-get update

try a higher value if it does not work, but I don't know what it means exactly 
so maybe there's a risk of breaking something

Cédric Lucantis

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