I have a CrystalFontz 20x4 lcd without keypad, that I am trying to get LCDproc 
setup on.
 I am using the current stable version .0.4.3.

The LCDd is working ok, I have the server screen displaying on my lcd with the 
main LCDd heartbeat.  It is just waiting for a client to connect, when I run 
lcdproc and give it parameters the last thing I see is the server screen 
saying 1 client is connected then everything goes black.  If I ctrl c out of 
the terminal I started lcdproc I get back the server screen.  Also if I start 
a text, or ncurses session along with the CFonts session in LCDd I get the 
text showing some system specs that I specified when starting lcdproc.  But 
the lcd screen is still black.

I searched lcdproc.org archives but no one has any answers or has given any 
good advice about how to solve the problem.  The only thing people are 
suggesting is use the CVS stable which is .0.4.4.  After looking for the 
change logs on CVS .0.4.4 it doesn't look like they fixed anything else 
.0.4.3 doesn't cover.

In my user.log file I see this:
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: drivers_getkey()
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: Screen->Client List has timeout->-1
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: drivers_getkey()
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: Screen->Client List has timeout->-1
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: drivers_getkey()
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: Screen->Client List has timeout->-1
 Raiz-MPX LCDd: drivers_getkey()

This is repeated about 20 times everytime I start the LCDd or lcdproc. 

I did read on one of the archives that this might be normal, but I really do 
not know.  

This is my LCDd.conf CFontz driver section:
# CrystalFontz driver
# Select the output device to use [/dev/lcd]
# Select the LCD type (size) [20x4]
# Set the initial contrast [140]
# The backlight brightness settings are retrieved
# from the serversection now. And can therefore be
# modified from the server menu now.
# Set the communication speed [9600]
# possible values: 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200
# Set the firmware version (New means >= 2.0) [no]
# if set, set Speed to 19200
# Reinitialize the LCD's BIOS [no]
# normally you shouldn't need this

In the server section everything is default except the CFontz drive is 
selected.  To me it seems everything is setup right because the LCDd is 
showing me the server screen.  I think it is a lcdproc client problem.

I am using an SMP machine here is my uname -a line.
Linux Raiz-MPX 2.4.21 #1 SMP Thu Jul 3 15:33:22 CDT 2003 i686 GNU/Linux

I am using a custom kernel for 2.4.21 from what I have read lcdproc does not 
need any special kernel options for the CystralFontz lcd screen.

Since I really do not want to use CVS .0.4.4 because it would have to be 
installed by hand. I really would like to stick with an apt-get source.  If 
you need anything else let me know.


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