On Fri, Mar 23, 2007 at 10:11:18 -0700, Dave Stephenson wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have been running a current version of Etch for a few months.  My
> internet download speeds are in the range of 10 - 15 kB/s.  Until
> recently I blamed it on my ISP, SignalPeak, which has been having
> troubles,  Recently I noticed that the Windoz boxes on the same router
> are getting speeds about 3 times faster.   Transfers between the Linux
> & windoz boxes are too fast to measure easily, but in the MB/s range.
> Is this a known ETCH problem or am I doing something strange?  I did a
> fairly standard net install.  I can post diagnostic info if some kind
> soul will tell me which ones would be helpful.

We should probably start with your network card. You will get a list of
your (PCI) hardware if you run the command "lspci" (without quotes) from
a terminal or a console. Please do this and copy the line(s) which
are related to networking/ethernet into a mail to this list.

Somebody might know if this specific hardware has any issues, and
otherwise we will just proceed by checking if you have the correct
driver module loaded, etc.

Another thing that might help is the output of the command



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