Thias wrote:

Unfortunatly, you should have a vfat partition to exchange data between
Linux and Windows using mtools. As ntfs filesystem and "write permission
under linux" are not very friendly, you may want to have a look at ntfs-3g.

On Sun, Mar 25, 2007 at 01:16:15PM -0500, Charles Blair wrote:
   With a lot of help from people on this list, I have a dual-boot
system with /dev/sda1 as a windows partition (etch install).

   After mount -t ntfs /dev/sda1 ./mntpoint

I can use ls to see files in the windows partition and copy files
to debian.  However, I cannot send files in the other direction.
I hope there is a simple fix.

   On an older dual-boot system, I used mtools.  Is this still
recommended?  I tried created a mtools.conf file that just said

drive c:

but I just get a message "drive c: not supported"

If you dont have/cant make a vfat partition there is another option. There is a windows driver for ext2 (1) (assuming that's what you use) which enables you to copy from linux to windows when in windows.




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