On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 09:25:15AM -0400, mmiller3 wrote:
> We're running a wiki on a debian box (using moinmoin) and I'd
> like to set up a simple web-based system that allows users to
> upload images.  What I'd like a cgi that lets a user submit an
> image, stores it on the web server and returns a permanent link
> to it that can be used in the wiki.  Does anyone know if such a
> thing already exists?
Interesting.  A while back I proposed on the debian-devel list an
official screenshot repository, which would allow users to submit
screenshots of various programs in use.  This is one of the components
which we need, so that people can upload images in a structured way.  I
have not made a great deal of progress lately since school is taking my
time.  However, if you would like to help out with this, please let me
know.  If not, I should have something in May.



Roberto C. Sánchez

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