Le samedi 31 mars 2007 21:55, Jorge Peixoto de Morais Neto a écrit :
> > I'm using a simple script for making backups with tar. I can't make tar
> > quiet, so cron keeps mailing me 'Removing leading `/' from member names'
> > . Adding > /dev/null doesn't help. What can I do to catch tar's output
> > and keep it from shouting all over the place?
> a "> /dev/null" redirects  stdout to /dev/null, but stderr is left
> untouched.
> a "&> /dev/null" redirects both stdout and stderr to /dev/null.

redirecting stderr is good but will also discard other possibly helpful error 
messages if something goes wrong. You can simply avoid this particular one 
with something like this :

tar -cf archive -C/ .

another trick is to redirect the whole script to some log file (or /dev/null 
if you're fearless) by putting this at its beggining :

exec > "$LOGFILE" 2>&1

Cédric Lucantis

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