Well, for xmas i do something like that as gift for my customers.
I prepare a usb with many tiny linux distro bootable via usb and with grub
(to choice the preferred distro).

There are a lot of minimal linux distro, and many are debian based
(DamnSmallLinux, Knoppix, for example).
I think that for your aim you must use a live distro.

It's quite easy to use a live distro in a usb device.
You can :
- format usb devices as fat:
# mkfs.vfat -n <volumename> -F 16 <usbdevice_partition (/dev/sda1, for

- mount the live cd iso and usb device:
# mount -o loop <iso> <mount point>
# mount -t vfat <usbdevice_partition> <usbdevice_partition_mountpoint>

- copy all content  to  usb device.
# cp -a <iso mount point>/* <usbdevice_partition_mountpoint>

-if it's a livecd, probably use syslinux/isolinux to boot, so  find
syslinux.bin and syslinux.cfg (in root directory) OR isolinux.bin and
isolinux.cfg  (in /boot directory);
if you find isolinux.* in /boot directory, copy those files in root
directory, renaming those in syslinux.*:
# cd <usbdevice_partition_mountpoint>
# cp boot/isolinux.bin syslinux.bin
# cp boot/isolinux.cfg syslinux.cfg

(you can modifiy syslinux.cfg to change default boot delay, background, font
or to add another distro)

- umount usb device:
# cd
# umount <usbdevice_partition>

- and make it bootable with syslinux:
# syslinux <usbdevice_partition, /dev/sda1 for example>

Hope it helps you!

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