I installed kino with apt-get. Capture from my video camera worked fine but export to dvd failed. Help showed mjpegtools was required. When apt-cache search couldn't find it I downloaded a copy from the internet. With mjpegtools installed export still failed with a message "mjpeg2enc: /lib/libc.so.6 version GLIBC_2.4 required."

On my old slow box kino export worked without this problem. The old box was Etch upgraded from Sarge with a home-rolled 2.6.18 kernel. The new box is a netinst of Etch with a stock 2.6.18-4-amd64 kernel.

Is the problem with the version of mjpegtools I found? If so, where can I find a version that will work with the Debian version of kino?

Tom George

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