Le jeudi 5 avril 2007 13:51, Jan Willem Stumpel a écrit :
> I would like to try some simple graphics programming on Linux --
> plotting points, lines, and arcs to a window, filling areas with
> colour, etc. Preferably with a C interface, something like what
> you could do with Turbo C on DOS in the 1980's.
> What would be the easiest system to do this? Should I learn Java?
> Or something else?

I'd suggest Allegro : http://alleg.sourceforge.net (use the 4.2, as 4.3 is not 
really usable actually)

it's a game development library, so a little bit more general than what you 
want, but it's in C, well documented and very easy to use. And it has been 
ported on many platforms, inlcuding MSDOS :)

There's also SDL (http://www.libsdl.org) which is equivalent (maybe better) 
but I don't know much about it.

There are debian packages for both of these.

I think C (or C++) is a good choice for what you want to do if you want good 
performances. If you don't really care about it, some scripting language like 
python may be better (they all generally provide an image manipulation 

Cédric Lucantis

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