On 4/5/07, Douglas Allan Tutty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Thu, Apr 05, 2007 at 07:06:51AM -0500, Manon Metten wrote:
> Linux debian 2.6.18-4-486 #1 Mon Mar 26 16:39:10 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux
> I want to change the name and access point of a partition on my second
> It's labeled /xyz now (coz I could think of no better name when
> etch).
> I tried this:
> e2label /dev/hdb4
> xyz
> e2label /dev/hdb4 store
> e2label /dev/hdb4
> store
> So seemingly the label has changed.
> I edited /etc/fstab accordingly:
> changing  /dev/hdb4
/xyz            ext3    defaults        0       2
>           to  /dev/hdb4       /store         ext3    defaults
> 0       2
> Then I rebooted, only to find this message popping up during boot time:
>   mount: mount point /store does not exist
> There was no further error during boot time and kde was up and running.
> Then I'd reset everything and could mount and access /xyz as before.
> What did I do wrong and how do I change /xyz to /store?

You're confusing disk lables with mount points.  Your fstab doesn't have
disklables in it.  You told mount to mount /dev/hdb4 on /store, so it
looks for the directory /store, which doesn't exist.

So backup:

What are you trying to do?


Hi Doug,

After fiddling around with sarge for some months, I installed etch a couple
of weeks ago.
I've done lots of reading and I'm following this list for a while, but I'm
new to debian anyway.

I have 4 partitions on my 2nd hd, swap, /tmp, /var & /xyz.
/xyz is the 4th primary partition on my 2nd hd.
When installing etch, at some point partman asked for a mount point for that
partition and I entered /xyz.

I use this xyz partition only to store some .iso's and other large files, so
I want rename/relabel it to /store. If I do mkdir /store, that would create
the dir/mount point on my 1st hd where / is located (correct?). Thus the
question is: how to change /xyz to /store on my 2nd hd, so I can do eg.
something like this:

 mv  ~/*.iso  /store

so it moves *.iso from ~ on my 1st hd to /store on my 2nd hd.

Greetings, Manon.

@ Joe Heart
What in the world is e2label?  It doesn't show up in my search.
I fould e2label in /sbin, read the man and tried to use it.

What is it today, national "People from other distros" day?
Huh? Sounds like a warm 'welcome to debian' to me.
I guess you don't have the monopoly of wisdom too.

BTW: it's SHE, not he.

Anyway, greetings to you too, Manon.

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