On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 11:02:48AM -0500, Ron Johnson wrote:
> > In Etch itself some of these programs seem to have been made into
> > packages. But there doesn't seem to be a Debian package that combines
> > them all into one grand editing suite....
> That's not The Unix Way.
> Kino (which makes it very easy to pull video from your FireWire
> camcorder) and dvdauthor will get you started.
One thing not mentioned is video capture. The whole process involved:
take video
connect video to computer via an interface (firewire, usb, etc)
use tool to do editing
use tool to do subtitling

the transfer from camcorder to computer file does not have to be done by
you, maybe you know someone who can do it and put it on a dvd. Other
wise, you need something like a firewire interface and a camcorder that
is computer compatible.
coriander maybe whats needed:
Description: control IEEE1394 digital camera
 Coriander is a GUI that lets you control all the features of an
 IEEE-1394 Digital Camera complying with the DC Specifications v1.04 or
 later (see http://www.1394ta.org).
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