On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 08:24:55AM -0400, Ralph Katz wrote:
> I had this no-sound problem (sans the error message) on a sarge system
> that was never solved.  As Greg suggests, check what processes the user
> left running (ps -ef |grep username) and see if esound is locked to
> another user (ps -ef |grep esd , then iirc, check the sockets in /tmp
> for username).

I see a similar problem in etch on the family machine. Whoever logs in
first gets system sounds. if you then switch to and log in another
user, that user gets no system sounds. other sound works fine for all
users, just the system sounds. I notice that the esd socket is owned
by whoever first logged in, but it has very liberal permissions so
that anyone should be able to access the server. Not sure how to fix
this. I tried running esd before starting up gdm so that the socket
perms were root:root rwxrwxrwx but no luck.

Any thoughts


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