On Sat, Apr 21, 2007 at 12:56:33AM -0400, cga2000 wrote:
> I have no idea why chvt worked for me and alway seems to work under
> these circumstances .. and I do wish somebody knowledgeable explained
> the X - vt switch once and for all.
> After 5-6 years screwing around with computers .. I still have not clue
> how this works.
> Apparently, at least two things happen when you hit CTRL-Alt-Fn:
> 1. your current X session is saved
> 2. the context of your chosen vt is restored/activated.

as I understand it, all the VT's and any X sessions are running the
whole time, its just a matter of which one has control of the
screen/keyboard/pointer. YOu can verify this by starting a job in X
that will take a long time and provide a progress bar. Switch away to
a VT, wait a few and switch back. The progress bar will have
advanced. IOW, the X session is still operating, it has merely been
detached from the terminal. This is why you can have fun things like
multiple X sessions on one machine with one attached to the local
"terminal" (keybd, monitor, mouse) and the others attached to remote
terminals via X forwarding or VNC etc. 

> The saving of your X session's context makes sense because you will

so, its not really saved, but rather it gives up control of the screen
to another session.

that's just my take on it.


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