Joe Hart wrote:
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Wackojacko wrote:
Michael M. wrote:
On Wed, 2007-04-25 at 19:08 +0200, Joe Hart wrote:

Granted days like 12/04 could be confused for the 12th of April, but
really mean the 4th of December.  Still, your system should know the
real day, and really so should you.  Therefore, I am not asking for a
fix, rather I am just pointing out the way it is on my system.

Here in Oregon, if it's December 4th, it's probably raining.

OTOH, if it's April 12th ...

... it's probably raining.

I'm not seeing the difference! :-)

Icedove has its own locale packages, you may need to install one of these.

aptitude search icedove-locale



Ah, but if I do that, then the language of my menus and everything else
changes.  The LC_TIME variable on the other hand just fixes the dates to
display like they should, and leaves the rest of the things alone.  A
perfect solution to my date problem.  Florian's advice went straight
into my button, and now when I click on IceDove, it looks fine.  I would
imagine Ken has also implemented this, or he's still evaluating other MUAs.

As for the weather in Seattle, I can relate to that.  It rains a lot
here too.  That's good for the flowers that we export. ;)

- --


Thanks for the reminder, and for archives sake. I had the same problem and AFAICR it was *not* the icedove-locale package that made it work.

Google suggested putting

export LC_TIME

in ~.bash_profile and it was this that made the time display correctly.

Of course this works across all user apps, which is what I wanted, so YMMV.



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