
I'm using debian etch, and have noticed that the processes

9376 landhaj  15   0  514m 498m 9.9m S    0 15.2  11:53.10 xfdesktop
9390 landhaj  15   0  499m 492m 6928 S    0 15.0  10:03.07 xfce4-menu-plug

seem to eat a lot of memory. I have 4G of ram and almost never reboot, but a 
few days back I thought things were starting to get a bit sluggish, and checked 
with top. The same two processes were then using about 30% each of the 
available ram. I relogged into xfce and they were back to a normal, modest 
amount. As you can see now they're building up again at 15% each.

I'm not sure something is wrong as I'm not smart enough to totally understand 
the man page of top, and the sluggishness might have just been a coincidence. 
Can someone who's used to xfce tell me if what I'm seeing is normal?

Please help!


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