Dear Debianists,

I am running Etch r0 AMD64 on an AMD64 Sempron 3200 box with an 80GB drive.
I notice that qemu 0.8.2-4 is available from browsing synaptic.

I also saw some other software like qemuctl and qemu-launcher.

I went on the qemu web site and I nosed around a little. There were instructions for running qemu on an 32 bit processor under linux then guesting e.g. Windows XP (32 bit) on top of the Linux.

There were some references to running qemu on AMD64 but mostly indirect ones.

Has anyone tried this?

At a dumb level, is qemu smart enough to "fake" the 32 bit environment on my 64 bit box running Debian AMD64 OS that MS Windows 98 would be happy to run on or would it only let you run a 64 bit version of MSWindows on a 64 bit machine like mine?

The instructions for a 32 bit i386 Linux host guesting what I assume is 32 bit Windows taken from the quick start pages from the qemu web pages are as follows:


Windows guest on Linux host

1. Download QEMU Binary distribution for linux-i386 and install it. Installation is simply done by extracting the contents of the tar archive in root directory ("/"). It will extract its contents to /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/share.

(In Debian I will just install the qemu package with synaptic).

2. You need a blank disk image ("harddisk"). This is like adding a blank disk to the virtual computer that QEMU creates. Use qemu-img to create a 3Gb blank disk image:

qemu-img create -f qcow c.img 3G

The last argument is the size of the image (3G). This 3G will be the maximum end size of the image file. It will grow while adding contents (writing files to the harddisk). A fresh WinXP installation will use e.g. ~1.7Gb. For more information on creating a blank image see Disk Images.

3. When you install an OS on a real computer you normally boot an installation CD/DVD or an existing image. We'll do the same with the virtual computer. Here you have two options: Either you use a real installation CD/DVD or you have an install ISO image. Depending on this, the next steps are slightly different.

* If you have an installation CD, put the CD (e.g. Windows installation CD) into the real CD drive of your host computer. Then run

qemu -cdrom /dev/cdrom -hda c.img -m 256 -boot d


Would these commands work OK in the AMD64 world?

Your comments on the merits of qemuctl and qemu-launcher would be appreciated.


Michael Fothergill

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