On 6/3/07, John O'Hagan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Just to share a problem - and its solution - that I'm surprised doesn't
more often with Testing:

Did a dist-upgrade yesterday using adept (frontend for aptitude),
the changes first to check for breakages. After the upgrade libc6 (and
other related packages) were broken, which meant that all internet
(and dozens of other things) were broken.

On another machine I found the reason: the Debian testing repository (on
Debian site) listed the libc6 packages as one version, but the packages
actually an earlier version. This situation only applied for a few hours.

My solution was to download the correct versions from unstable on the
machine, copy them to the first machine and manually install them with
dpkg -i (luckily this was still possible with a broken libc6). This
all the dependency problems.

I had a problem upgrading lenny yesterday, also with libc6, but different.
aptitude complained that it found an extra libc6 installed.  I had a
symbolic link in /usr/lib pointing to
the libc.so.6 in /lib, in addition to the symbolic link in /lib.  I moved
the /usr/lib link out of the way, and aptitude installed libc6 without
further complaint.  I'm not sure why that link existed in /usr/lib - this is
a relatively recent install of lenny, and I don't recall creating that link
myself!  If anything turns out to be broken, maybe I'll restore the link.


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