I'd like to install xorg, but only with the video drivers that I need. I'm doing a net install.

I do it by trial and error, but usually I start from the things I know I need for sure.

xserver-xorg-video-intel (replace with your driver)
xserver-xorg-vesa (just for backup)

Spice with some xfonts:

xfonts-75dpi (probably don't need those as I run X with 100 dpi)
xfonts-terminus (my favorite :)

Don't forget to turn off recommends first (at least temporary).

I managed to do this with some difficulty, but your choice of packages is basically right. I used aptitude, as suggested by Doug (see previous posting), and switched recommends off.

Aptitude is one of the great things about Etch.

The difficult part was installing the proprietary ATI drivers for my ATI X1950 GT card. The debian kernel driver does not support this and I needed to download the latest driver from ATI and turn it into a .deb. It involved installing quite a few development packages.

All works fine now.

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