Randy Patterson wrote:
> I did run it as root and aptitude shows that apache2.2-common is installed. 
> But in all the tutorials that I've read none of them have mentioned having to 
> run this program to enable PHP?

You have 2 options, make a symlink of php5.[conf|load] from
`/etc/apache2/mods-available' to `/etc/apache2/mods-enabled' or run
a2enmod that make this for you ;-).

Jose Luis.

ghostbar on debian linux 'sid' 2.6.22 x86_64-SMP - #382503
Weblog: http://ghostbar.ath.cx/ - http://linuxtachira.org
http://debian.org.ve - irc.debian.org #debian-ve #debian-devel-es
San Cristóbal, Venezuela. http://chaslug.org.ve
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