On Wed, Sep 05, 2007 at 05:37:45AM -0700, Michael M. wrote:

> On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 15:08 +0100, Richard Lyons wrote:
> > 
> >  Gtkpod has two strange charactistics, but seems to be ususally
> > workable.  The oddities are
> > 
> >   - if you create an extra copy of the ipod by mistake (or when trying
> >     things out), there seems to be no way to delete it again, other than
> >     identifying the relevant lines in the ~/.gtkpod/prefs file.  I have
> >     not tried this method incase I mess it up.
> > 
> >   - it has two copies of the same window offering "Artist" "Album"
> >     "Genre" etc tabs, and I have no idea why one is not enough.
> > 
> > Until I do damage the filesystem, I've decided to accept the occasional
> > error messages and continue simply unplugging it when it wont eject.
> I'm using gtkpod also; meanwhile, anxiously awaiting Floola to make its
> way to Debian.  I don't use gtkpod to mount / unmount my nano, though.
> I launch gtkpod after the nano is plugged in and mounted, and exit it
> with the nano still mounted.  Have you considered using another tool for
> automounting your device, or just mounting and unmounting manually with
> mount / umount?

I was not clear.  I do indeed manually mount it with mount, as I haven't
worked out any other way.  After copying files etc, I then click
'disconnect' in gtkpod to be sure it flushes data, then I 
'eject /mnt/ipod' and the ipod stops saying 'do not disconnect'.

The occasional problem is when gtkpod refuses to disconnect, giving the
strange error message.
    Failed to remove watch.

After that, I cannot umount or eject as the device remains busy.  So I
use brute force...


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