On Sun, 2003-07-27 at 17:54, Francisco Castellon wrote:


> So I couldn't start Apache through the Webmin module (the samething also
> happens when I reboot the server and it tries to start the apache
> service, it will hang in that part of the boot up process until I enter
> in the passphrase then it will continue booting), so then I went to the
> command line and again I got the part that says "Enter pass phrase:" and
> I did, and apache started. However, when I try to access apache through
> https://localhost or https://host-ip-address or https://host.domain.com
> it doesn't work it just gives me the page cannot be displayed error. It
> only works if I access the server through regular "http://"; and not
> through "https://"; so my two big questions are:
> 1. How can I make it so that it doesn't ask me the pass phrase every
> time I start apache? And if I do disable the pass phrase feature does
> that mean that SSL is not started?

There's a faq for this:

> 2. Why are the references to any https:// address to the web server work
> even after I start apache in the command line and enter in the pass
> phrase as I am prompted to do so? How come only the http:// references
> work?

Not sure I follow this one. Only thing I can think of off hand is that
the module hasn't been loaded before your configuration parameters are
parsed. Make sure any AddModule/LoadModule directives in httpd.conf come
before your IfModule directives. Other than that, tail error logs, see
if apache is listening on the correct port, etc.




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