On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 01:37:18AM -0400, Aaron wrote:
> Hey ladies and gents-
> I had someone SSHed into my box the other day (my laptop) while at
> work and I wanted to screw with him by booting him off. I obviously
> have root on my box, but I wonder if there is any "official" or
> "proper" way to make a user leave the system?
> Something along the lines of a "kick" is what I'm after. I achieved
> the same result by killing his topmost bash process, but not only is
> that probably dangerous and unpredictable, it doesn't let me add a
> mean message ;-)
Hehe, try slay:

Description: Kills all of the user's processes
 Slay provides you with a way to quickly get rid of all processes a
 particular user owns. Very useful if you want to harm somebody.

Danie Roux *shuffle* Adore Unix

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