I started seeing that fail2ban is not working properly on my debian server, while working in other places where I'm using other distros.

I started searching and found this in the logs after putting in debugging and restarting fail2ban:

2007-10-07 10:03:12,744 fail2ban.actions.action: DEBUG iptables -N fail2ban-ssh
iptables -A fail2ban-ssh -j RETURN
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh,sftp -j fail2ban-ssh
2007-10-07 10:03:12,748 fail2ban.filter.datedetector: DEBUG Sorting the template list 2007-10-07 10:03:12,752 fail2ban.actions.action: ERROR iptables -N fail2ban-ssh
iptables -A fail2ban-ssh -j RETURN
iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport ssh,sftp -j fail2ban-ssh returned 200

What does the error mean? The fail2ban-ssh chain exists in iptables:

Chain fail2ban-ssh (0 references)
target     prot opt source               destination
RETURN     all  --  anywhere             anywhere

But fail2ban doesn't block when I get up to 7 fails from the same IP, while I have it configured to ban at 3.

Any ideas?

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