Jan Willem Stumpel wrote:
Trying to get multiple simultaneous sound streams working
on my Sid system, I got as far as the following:

          mp/s      mp/a       xmms    youtube   skype

mp/s       OK       N/A         X        XX        X

mp/a       N/A       X          X        XX        X

xmms       X         X          X        OK        OK

youtube    X         X          OK       OK        OK

skype      X         X          OK       OK        N/A

Notes: - each row in the table begins with the sound using
         program which is started FIRST.
       - mp/s means: using mplayer to watch a local .avi file,
         with sdl audio output.
       - mp/a means: using mplayer to watch a local .avi file,
         with alsa audio output.
       - youtube means: watching a youtube (i.e. Flash) movie
         with iceape.
       - X means: the program which is started second produces
         no sound
       - XX means: the program which is started second produces
         no sound, and there are other problems (iceape freezing).
       - OK means OK.
       - N/A means: test cannot be done, or is meaningless.

So it seems that there is one group (xmms/Skype/youtube) the
members of which tolerate each other (all three can even make
noise together). There is another "group" (mplayer) which
allows multiple instances with simultaneous sound, but only if
sdl sound is selected. However, the two "groups" do not
tolerate each other. I cannot hear Skype ringing while playing
a local .avi file, for instance.

Does anyone get different/better results? Any tips?

I also think (but cannot prove this now) that a few months ago I
could hear skype while playing .avi movies, but that it became
impossible since (doubtless through some upgrade).

Sound hardware is AC 97 on motherboard.

You don't say what your AC97 /digital controller/ or codec chip are.

This isn't very helpful I know but I got bored messing around with the various virtual sound card daemons, can't even remember which one I tried now, default etch gnome one, to overcome the limitations of the almost useless OnBoard sound on my MotherBoard and picked up a second hand SoundBlaster Live Value for $10.

Life is easy and sweet, particularly now I figured out to add
options snd-usb-audio index=-2
to the bottom of my /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base to stop the mic on my webcam from occasionally becoming card0.

Honestly for little of no cash you can just get a better sound chipset, though if I was doing it again I'd probably get one of the Turtle Beach cards, the Riviera I think.

Good luck.

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