On Tuesday 29 July 2003 14:25, Chris Kenrick wrote:
> I've got my A70 working under 2.0final-4 which is the version in
> stable. The trick is to have all the right USB modules loaded, and
> pass a fudged command line to gphoto2 (trick it into thinking it's a
> different camera)
> Try
> gphoto2 --usbid 0x4a9:0x3073=0x4a9:0x3056 --camera "Canon Powershot
> S40" -P
> This causes all the photos to be downloaded to the current directory.
> Note that while retrieving photos works fine, other functions like
> remote capture aren't guaranteed to work correctly with the A70 under
> Linux.
> I found this information on this page:
> http://pto.linuxbog.dk/Canon_PowerShot_A70_Linux
> I didn't manage to get the hotplug usermap thing going, so I just
> have a little script to run that command I mentioned earlier when I
> want to upload photos.

Ah, this comes two days too late. My parents were here to see me on 
sunday, and I wanted to get the photos out of my father's A70. I had to 
boot Windows for that... Next time I will show him Linux can do that as 


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