2007/10/23, Klaus Rödel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hello,
> i'm a xen newby and want to create a xen image with more than one disk
> but i found nothing about this? is it actually possible?

Here's an example config from a multi disk xen image with the
"partitions" coming from LVM:

kernel = "/kernelImage"
memory = 512
name = "com.example.shares"
vif = ['mac=00:16:3e:01:00:17,bridge=lanbr0',
disk = ['phy:vg01/com.example.shares.root,sda1,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.usr,sda2,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.var,sda3,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.home,sda4,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.scratch,sda5,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.backup,sda6,w', \
        'phy:vg01/com.example.shares.data,sda7,w', \
root = "/dev/sda1 ro"

so yes it can be done....


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