On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 09:57:02AM -0400, Michael A. Miller wrote:
> Found the problem - here's the story...
> I have an external usb drive mounted at /mnt/mirror.  I do a
> nightly rsync to of system and home dirs to there.  For some
> reason - still not sure what - it was not mounted, so /mnt/mirror
> was part of /.  The nightly rsync wrote to /mnt/mirror, and
> filled the partition.  I rebooted and the external drive was
> properly mounted, so I couldn't see the directories that it was
> mounted over.  I'm cleaning that up now and am trying to figure
> out what went wrong.  One easy fix is to put a check for the
> properly mounted disk in my rsync script.

I thought of that but got sidetracked by the "one partition" part and
lost track of it. good catch. 


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