On Tue, Oct 30, 2007 at 05:09:50PM +0100, Erik Persson wrote:
> Hello!
> I have a server which is running 2 different virtual hosts (vserver), let's 
> call them S for the server, A and B for the virtual hosts A and B.
> S, A and B have different ip-addresses (say s.s.s.s, a.a.a.a and b.b.b.b).
> Since the server isn't really forwarding anything I haven't used the 
> FORWARD chain for anything, and I use INPUT and OUTPUT to regulate the flow 
> to the different servers, for example:
> iptables -P INPUT DROP
> iptables -P OUTPUT DROP
> iptables -P FORWARD DROP
> iptables -I INPUT -d a.a.a.a -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
> on the server
> seems to do what I want. In the example above letting A and only A answer 
> requests on port 80.
> However, when I try to regulate the flow of traffic between the different 
> "machines" (S, A, and B) strange things happen.
> For example:
> iptables -I OUTPUT -d a.a.a.a -p tcp --dport 25 -j ACCEPT
> doesn't only allow any of the "machines" to try to contact port 25 on A, 
> but it *also allows A to answer* !!!

if by answer, you mean respond to the same request, then that is
appropriate, IIUC. The rules relate to *new* requests, not responses
to existing ones. That's why when you block port 80 inbound, you can
still recieve packets -- they match up to outbound requests your
browser has made.

I think that's right.


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