On Fri, Nov 02, 2007 at 09:29:51PM +0000, Joe wrote:
> Microsoft Update and apt-get are probably as close as you get, and 
> I wouldn't bet a large amount of money that either is 100% safe. One day MU 
> will get hacked, and the whole world will collapse.

wow, that's quite a comparison: Microsoft Update which will secretly
upgrade stuff on the system even when explicitly told not to versus
apt-get which must be explicitly told what to do and then asks "are
you sure?" And I won't even go into the parts where you get to look at
apt code...

Frankly I hope MU does get hacked (if it hasn't already) because some
people need to learn some lessons, not the least of which is MS itself
for releasing such tragically flawed software to begin with. 

Note though that I do not wish ill upon the poor users of this
product... merely that the PTB's over there would get a clue (and yes
I know many of them do have a clue, just not enough or the right ones).


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