On Mon, Nov 05, 2007 at 08:30:44PM +1100, Nick Croft wrote:
> Hi List
> After 6 months of preoccupation with another project, I decided to do 
> a dist-upgrade when a couple of packages started showing signs of their age.
> All worked fine. It's nice to be up to date.
> In my main user, where all the files and macros, aliases and habits reside, 
> gnome-panel -- the top one -- no longer shows the icons, including the main
> menu.
> I can restore them by clicking on the panel's properties. If I request 'hide
> buttons', suddenly the icons appear. In the users on this machine which I
> don't normal use -- I have them for testing -- the set-up is just fine.
> Any ideas?

I'd say just remove that panel altogether and then replace it. Of
course you'll need to make some provision for migrating your custom
stuff. umm... move that panel over to the side (vertical), add a new
panel to the top and then proceed to move everything...


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