On Wed, Dec 12, 2007 at 11:24:57AM -0800, Robert Bond wrote:
> I ran apt-get update on my etch system yesterday. It has been a while so 40+
> packages showed up to be upgraded. I installed them... Most of it appeared
> to be Open Office upgrades. The upgrade blew up. I tracked the problem down
> to the fact that many files and directories on my system had a modification
> date of 12/12/2012! I fixed most of them with some "touch" scripts and got
> the upgrades to work.
> My question is: does anybody have any idea where the bogus time stamps came
> from? I'd like to avoid doing this again. I don't know if the clock was
> wrong - I suppose it could have been - but by time I figured out what the
> problem was I had rebooted the system because one of the other upgrades was
> a new kernel. The clock was correct after the reboot.

filesystem corruption?


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