Ted Hilts - Thunderbird Acct. wrote:
> I obtained the full set of Ubuntu disks, installed the desktop stuff and
> now have a working system without SERVERS.  It seems the servers come on
> another disk separate from the LIVE/INSTALL desktop software.  The
> server CD is an INSTALL only and not a LIVE CD.  This means I would have
> to over write the desktop installation.  I tried using the Ubuntu POOL
> directory on the sever CD but although it looks like it was installing
> it turns out it was not.  So I tried using aptitude which very nicely
> rushed off to the Ubuntu repository.  But I want it to run off to the
> Debian repository because there are a lot of special packages (like
> OCTAVE) and others.
> My question:  Is there a way of telling apt-get or some other debian
> package  to go to the Debian REPOSITORY and fetch and install a
> particular item such as the SAMBA server and other servers.  What would
> be the bash command line for this kind of operation?  Could someone
> provide me with the command line for the SAMBA server as an example. I
> need to over ride the present behavior of apt-get or aptitude so they
> reference packages in the Debian Repository.  I have been reading
> documentation but can't find information on this specific issue.
> Thanks in advance, Ted Hilts.  BTW, I have resubscribed but have not
> seen any evidence that list traffic is now coming to me so please be
> sure to include me ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) so I at least get the reply.
> Ted

Even though Ubuntu and Debian have a lot of similarities (Ubuntu being
based on Debian) having packages from different flavours (Ubuntu and
Debian) is not recommended. Even if you are able to install a package on
your Ubuntu install from a Debian repository, there is no guarantee that
it won't break with the next upgrade.

Samba installation on Ubuntu should be as easy as on Debian. Just find
the samba and samba-common packages and install them. After that you
will have to change your /etc/samba/smb.conf to set it up.


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