Hello Joey,

Am 2008-02-11 21:21:58, schrieb Joey Hess:
> Frank wrote:
> > Mon Feb 11 20:51:12 2008: Setting the system clock. 
> > Mon Feb 11 20:51:12 2008: select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick
> > timed out 
> > Mon Feb 11 20:51:12 2008: ^[[33m*^[[39;49m Unable to set System Clock
> > to: Tue Feb 12 01:51:12 UTC 2008
> > 
> > Should I file a bug or wait to see what happens ? It doesn't seem
> > to affect the time as I run NTP to sync the clock.
> I opened a bug about this problem since I'm seeing it. It would help if you
> mailed [EMAIL PROTECTED] with information about your system.

I have the same problem on the neighbours Acer Aspire 7220.
Using Linux 2.6.16, 2.6.18 and now 2.6.22-3-686 from <bp.o>

Since I am offline, which source package belong #464910?

Thanks, Greetings and nice Day
    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
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