On Wed, Feb 13, 2008 at 02:32:33PM -0500, PETER EASTHOPE wrote:
> Andrew,
> At Mon, 11 Feb 2008 19:23:37 -0800
> as-w> ... taskbars available with a menu on them ...
> Right oh.  I'd overlooked that.
> as-w> ... taskbars, you can right click ...
> I'd never used "Add new item".
> This should let me restore the desktop.  Will 
> try this weekend.

yes, you can add a new instance of the "xfce" menu which should then
get you to the preferences.

> as-w> ... do you have both xfce4-panel and xfdesktop running?
> Yes.  Is that normal?


I don't know, btw, that this will help your situation, as I haven't
used xfce in a while, I'm only reporting my memory of the situation. 

regardless, hth


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