Dotan Cohen wrote:
> On 17/02/2008, KS <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> My Sony monitor has "shut down" too. By shut down I mean that it isn't
>> showing anything, and that I haven't opened it up to see if it can be
>> repaired another time. So I went checking what is there in the market
>> these days. I found out that most of the (cheap) LCD monitors are
>> 6-bit/colour and use some algorithm to show other colours (CRTs are
>> 8bit). There is a big difference if you see a photo on a CRT and then
>> see the same one on a cheap LCD. If you want to have a good colours on
>> your LCD, be ready to pay upwards of 150% than that of a cheap LCD for
>> an 8-bit LCD.
>> I have heard that Dells 2007WFP is 8-bit.
>> HTH.
> Could you elaborate on the 6-bit / 8-bit bit a bit? When I do finally
> get an LCD (probably in another six months or so, if I can help it), I
> want to know about this. One of the main functions of our desktop is
> Digikam (photos) so quality photo reproduction is important to us.

6-bits/colour means the monitor can give you 2^6+2^6+2^6 colours =
262,144 where as an 8-bit/colour would mean it can give you 16,777,216

With the 6-bit/colour they use some kind of dithering to reproduce
16.2million colours. (but if they are using dithering, why can't they
produce 16.7m colours?)

Here is a good article on this topic


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