On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 01:09:34PM -0600, Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought it would never happen. Right from NewEgg:
> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220246
>  ASUS Eee PC 4G – Galaxy Black Eee PC Intel processor 7" Wide VGA 512MB  
> 4GB Integrated Graphics - Retail for only $400!
> Hugo
Those have been out for many months... I guess you didn't get the memo
;-) Many of the Linux faithful (and other brave souls) are snapping them
up. Debian folks now are assembling instructions to support it as much
as possible and getting all the required bits into Debian proper. Check
wiki.debian.org for details.
There are more linux subnotebooks on the way...
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