On 3/2/08, Andrei Popescu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sun, Mar 02, 2008 at 08:27:15PM +1100, hce wrote:
>  > > You can try to connect via dhcp by running 'dhclient' as root. That
>  > >  might give some clues. If it works just revert your config. Sometimes
>  > >  the 'allow-hotplug' directive doesn't work correctly, you can try 'auto'
>  > >  instead.
>  >
>  > I changed to "audo", it sitll does not work. But, if I start dhclient
>  > manually, it works fine. I checked ps, there was a dhclient3 running.
>  > Could that cause the problem? How can I config /etc/init.d to make the
>  > dhclient running?
> Please show the *exact* contents of /etc/network/interfaces (use
>  copy-paste).

Please see following copy from the interfaces:

# This file describes the network interfaces available on your system
# and how to activate them. For more information, see interfaces(5).

# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
#allow-hotplug eth0
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

>  > >  > If I want to another linux box connect to the Debian box using ssh,
>  > >  > should I install and start sshd in the debian box? I see the ssh has
>  > >  > already in the debian box, but I guess it is the ssh client, not sshd.
>  > >  > If I need to enable sshd in the debian box, how can I do it?
>  > >
>  > >
>  > > AFAIK ssh depends on openssh-client and openssh-server so you should be
>  > >  fine.
>  >
>  > The ssh client running fine. It can ssh to other linux box where the
>  > sshd is running, but other linux box cannot ssh to it as there is no
>  > sshd running on the Debian.
> How can you tell? Try 'ssh localhost' before trying to connect from
>  another machine.
>  > I searched Intenert find a ssh script and copied it to the
>  > /etc/init.d. The instruction says to call "update-rc.d -f ssh defaults
>  > 20", then run "/etc/init.d/ssh start". But, I could not find
>  > update-rc.d in my Debian box, is there alternative to make a runlevel
>  > links manually for ssh defaults 20?
> This was a very bad idea! You should never copy some script from the
>  internet without a thorough understanding of what it does, especially a
>  script meant to start external services! Do you want to share your
>  computer with the whole internet? And besides that, the script provide
>  by the maintainer may (and probably will) have Debian specific stuff.

Yes, you are right, I was searching from Internet, it was an
instruction for how installing the sshd on Debian. It is dodgy, I
should never copy things from the Internet.

>  Let's take it step by step and please show the output of the commands
>  below by copy-pasting them in the mail:
>  1. Remove the script you copied from the internet and revert any changes
>  you made in that direction
>  2. Find out if openssh-server is installed:
>  dpkg -l openssh-server
>  This will show something like this:
>  Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold
>  | Status=Not/Installed/Config-files/Unpacked/Failed-config/Half-installed
>  |/ Err?=(none)/Hold/Reinst-required/X=both-problems (Status,Err: 
> uppercase=bad)
>  ||/ Name                                 Version                      
> Description
> +++-====================================-============================-============================================
>  ii  openssh-server                       1:4.3p2-9                    secure 
> shell server, an rshd replacement
>  3. If it was installed (the line starts with 'ii' you will have to
>  reinstall or better purge and install to recreate all missing config
>  files
>  4. If it is not installed you can install it with
>  aptitude install openssh-server
>  4. Check if sshd is working
>  ssh localhost
>  Regards,
> Andrei
> P.S. I have to go to work now, but others are probably watching this
>  thread too, so they can help if you get stuck. Please wait for answers
>  before trying random stuff.

Thanks Andrei, the sshd is working now.

Thank you.

Kind Regards,


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