On Wed, Mar 05, 2008 at 11:17:56AM +0200, Giorgos D. Pallas wrote:
> Maximilian Gass wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 03:17:41PM +0200, Giorgos D. Pallas wrote:
>>> I am running debian testing, and I am experiencing lately this 
>>> (hopefully) non-destructive problem:
>> This problem is non-destructive and normal.
>>> Now, this 'Can't deactivate volume group', always happened, and I 
>>> guess it is because the root filesystem is still used after LVM shuts 
>>> down. If someone knows why this happens, plz tell me!
>> Yes, the LV with / on it can't be disabled, so it fails.
> And why doesn't it first unmount root fs and then disable the LV? I  
> guess the answer to this is that root fs is not unmounted but rather  
> remounted read-only, so it would fail again... Is that it? (I am  
> relatively new to linux and I want to make sure I understand this  
> correctly...)

maybe because you need to call a program on / in order to deactivate
the LVM, but without / you can't call that program...


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