On Tue, Mar 04, 2008 at 06:25:04PM -0800, james michael wrote:
> Douglas A. Tutty wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 03, 2008 at 08:47:39PM -0800, Marc Shapiro wrote:
>>> Hugo Vanwoerkom wrote:
>>>> I thought it would never happen. Right from NewEgg:
>>>> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220246
>>>> ASUS Eee PC 4G ? Galaxy Black Eee PC Intel processor 7" Wide VGA  
>>>> 512MB 4GB Integrated Graphics - Retail for only $400!
>>> My wife loves hers.  But be warned, DON'T spill liquid on the 
>>> keyboard.  My daughter accidentally spilled a glass of water, some of 
>>> which (I don't know how much) hit the keyboard.  After several days 
>>> of drying out it is mostly back to normal.  It no longer thinks that 
>>> keys are being pressed which have not been touched, but the "2", "~" 
>>> and "DEL" key are not yet functioning.  I hope they will yet work, 
>>> but I'm not sure.
>> There's probably some cleaner you can use that will displace the water
>> to prevent corrosion on contacts, but I don't know about the membrane
>> under a modern keyboard: perhaps it gets waterlogged and you need a
>> hairdryer?
>> On an old IBM model M, I used contact cleaner to get out hot chocolate.
>> However, they have actual switches.
>> Doug.
> To clean any keyboard I pop off all the keys CAREFULLY with a flathead  
> screw driver and wipe down all the keys and the base of the keyboard.  
> Please note to put the keys back perfectly onto the base buttons, also  
> keep an image of a keyboard or something in case you forget the keyboard  
> layout.

nah. just close your eyes and start typing... then open your eyes and
look to see which letters you typed wrong, swap those keys and you're
good. ;-P


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