Michelle Konzack wrote:
Am 2008-03-05 14:13:33, schrieb Brian:
teststring="one two three four five six" { read A B C D E F; } < <( echo "$teststring" ) echo "Data received = $E Bytes"
------------------------ END OF REPLIED MESSAGE ------------------------

This look a little bit weird. Why not use:

read A B C D E F <<EOF
one two three four five six


teststring="one two three four five six"
read A B C D E F <<EOF

echo "Data received = $E Bytes" ----8<--------------------------------------------

no need for a stupid resources eating subschell expecialy on a ARM.


Actually, the example code is a trivial example used to illustrate how to use "process substitution". A real case might have a series of commands running, or a single large application, etc., from which you want to read the output in some asynchronous way.

In some cases, using a here doc would be an option, but in the cases mentioned above, you don't know what the text will be until you fetch it. It's a run time issue.

Bob McGowan

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