Jörg Becker wrote:
On Tuesday 18 March 2008 00:11, Bernardo Dal Seno wrote:
Does "cat /proc/mount" produce the same result?

---<deleted on purpose>---

Can you mount it read-only (-o ro)?
mount /media/backup/:
mount: /dev/disk/by-id/usb-WDC_WD30_00JB-00KFA0_0-part2 already mounted or /media/backup busy

sudo mount -o ro /dev/sdc2 /mnt/
mount: /dev/sdc2 already mounted or /mnt/tmp/ busy


Have you tried unmounting it, perhaps using the -n (don't write mtab) or -f (force unmount, usually useful with unreachable NFS server mounts, but who knows?).

This may clear the kernel's bad mount info and allow you to then mount the drive.

Maybe.  I hope this actually helps.

Bob McGowan

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