Hi All,

I'm building a server based on an Asus M2N-LR mobo, a 3Ware 9550SXU RAID card, 8 gigs of ram and a dual core Opteron. The hard drives are all sata Raptors with 4 of the 5 drives in a RAID 10 array. I'm running Etch.

The problem I'm having is an intermittent one with booting. I will quite regularly get a message that the root file system cannot be found, as well as files such sbin/init and /etc/fstab. Here is the most specific error: mount: mounting /root/dev on /dev/.static/dev failed. Just before those messages it says kinit is looking at sda5 for a resume image but cannot find it. I'm then dumped into a shell after the boot process fails.

This happens about 40% of the time on reboots and is not acceptable as this will be a remote server which will be physically located more than 100 miles away. I assume I'm running into problems with udev not naming the devices consistently but am not quite sure of my diagnosis or how to fix it if that is the problem. I've been reading the man pages associated with udev but man pages are so terse I'm not sure if I understand how to write rules for it, and looking at rules in /etc/udev/rules.d leaves me a little more confused as to exactly how to write a rule for this.

The drives are:

sda: a single sata drive partitioned into sda1 and sda5. sda1 has the boot flag set. sda5 is the swap partition.

sdb: RAID 10 array partitioned as sdb5, sdb6, sdb7, sdb8. Any help would be appreciated. Any links to clearly written tutorials or anything like that would help.

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