I have to agree completely with this poster.  I started learning VIM 3
years ago when my employer insisted that I use a windows workstation.
I hated it so much that I decided to live in a full screen PuTTY,
SSHed to their Linux and FreeBSD servers.  I decided that what ever
new editor I learned would be the last editor I ever learned.  The
fact that VIM in on every single server I've ever seen was very
attractive.  It took a few months to get my .vimrc setup to where I
liked it and to learn the main functionality.  (I plastered my cubical
in cheat sheets.)  I then discovered that after 25 years of typing
wrong, it was time to learn to touch type.  I took sandpaper to my
keyboard, and after the most frustrated 2 weeks of my life, I was an

The best thing is that I know all I have to do is scp my .vimrc file
into my home folder on any server and I can edit files there just as
comfortably as I would locally.  The cool thing is that I NEVER use
ftp, scp, or rsync to send files to a dev server that I edited
locally.  I edit them on the server.

Combine remote editing with Gnu Screen, and you have the ability to
start editing a file from you office.  Then open the Screen session
from home or a coworkers machine and see everything exactly as you
left it.  Oh, and you will never again say "dang, I forgot to nohup
that process."

SSH + Gnu Screen + VIM = Happy Productive Programmer

On Tue, Apr 15, 2008 at 3:23 PM, Mark Clarkson
> Hi Tero,
> Vim is great for this but has a steep learning curve. Vim is also tuned for
> touch typists, which eventually pushed me into learning touch typing, which
> is great, especially for night time coding. One really simple and often
> overlooked feature is being able to view source code in two columns, which
> is something I've never seen in graphical IDEs - for this reason I always
> make my code fit into 80 cols and have 4 character tabs. Ctags and Cscope
> are supported natively so jumping to functions/definitions is easy.
> Syntax highlighting is good, it now has a form of 'intellisense' and
> tabs in version 7, plus excellent regular expression search/replace,
> multi-branch undo, keystroke recording (I use alot) and a great diff
> viewer (invoked with vimdiff usually). It also does the things you
> mentioned!
> Cheers
> Mark.
> On Tue, 15 Apr 2008 16:00:27 +0300, Tero Mäntyvaara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I am looking for shell program for source code edition. I have used
> > nano, but it isn't enough. I need more "real" IDE like functionalities
> > eg constant view of current row number, file browser and selection,
> > cutting, pasting and copying functions. I also tried to use motor, but I
> > got segmentation fault after execution... :-/ I am using Etch.
> >
> >
> > Tero Mäntyvaara
> >
> >
> >

.!# RichardBronosky #!.

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