s. keeling wrote:
Ron Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 Sorry.  It just seems (to an old C programmer) that this is pretty
 simple problem, unless there's some tricky detail that you aren't
 telling us.

That's exactly what I was thinking looking at the problem.  No offence

None taken.

meant to the OP, but this sounds like a trivial problem for perl.  We
must be missing something.

Yes. It is the scale of the problem.

Man, does C++ produce ugly, obtuse code (no offence meant to C++ code
posters; thanks), and this from a perl programmer.

The problem may be quite trivial in the languages you mention as far as the mechanics of reading of lines from a file are concerned. However, the experiments under question (for which I am writing the code) involve reading large number of files which may be huge in size (thousands of lines and many numbers on each line in each file). For that, I very much doubt languages like Perl or Python are going to outperform C or C++ in efficiency.

Had I been sure to get the same efficiency with Perl or bash or Python (awk, sed, cut, and so on ... ), I would have taken that route.

Like they say, right tool for the right job ....


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