On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 5:48 PM, NN_il_Confusionario <

> >     * From: "Patrick Wiseman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > the auth_mysql module, while available in sarge, lenny, and sid, is not
> available in etch
> > (and, this being a production server, I want it 'stable').  Is there a
> solution?
> I have _not_ tried this, but etch has both libapache2-mod-auth-pam and
> libpam-mysql which, when used together, should give this functionality.

I looked into that, and, while it may provide the same functionality with a
lot of tweaking of my config and htaccess files, I decided to try compiling
the auth_mysql module.  Following the instructions to do that at
http://dev.e-taxonomy.eu/trac/wiki/ApacheMySQLAuthentication I was able to
get it (sort of) running.  I also had to follow the advice at
on first try, I was getting the error that provides a fix for.  The
(sort of) remains, though, because I get an access denied error from the
MySQL server, but I'm pretty sure that's a local problem which I'm going to
have to get someone else to help me fix.  But I'm happy, at least, to have
auth_mysql functioning on an etch system.  (I was a bit amazed to find that
it had been orphaned!)


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